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Resources for English Language Instruction

Resources for English Language Instruction

WIDA: Support and resources for academic language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students.

Stanford University: Link that includes videos, assignments, readings, resources, and instructor guides for elementary, middle, and high school teachers that address 14 key tops in addressing the needs of EL students.

Best Practices for ELLs: The Northwest Regional Educational Service District has a website of Best Practices what was developed by teachers and educational administrators.

National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA): NCELA was authorized under Title III to support the U.S. Department of Education in providing research and resources to provide high quality education for ELLs.

Color in Colorado: Useful information, activities, resources, lesson plans, and teaching tips to be used with EL students.

Internet Picture Dictionary: Online multilingual picture dictionary with interactive activities for EL learners.


Everything ESL: Find ESL teaching resources, including lesson plans, teaching tips, and resources. Reference tools including dictionaries and vocabulary supports, supplemented with quizzes and games. Collection of tools and resources for learning and teaching English as a second language, including grammar glossaries, printables, and teacher handouts.


What Works Clearinghouse: Scholarly publications for effective outcomes in English language learning.

Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon: Lexicon that offers images demonstrating the true meaning of words, making it easier for English language learners to understand.


Wordsteps: Allows students to build their own vocabulary collection and then access their vocabulary collection through a mobile device.

ManyThings: Quizzes, word games, puzzles, and a random sentence generator to help students better grasp English as a second language.

Vocabulix: Online tool to help jumpstart students’ vocabulary skills. Includes more than 90 vocabulary lessons and the option to create additional lessons.

Casa Notes: Allows teachers to effectively communicate with non-English speaking parents. You can customize notes that can be translated to send home to parents, effectively communicating information about field trips, conduct, homework, etc. Offers a word of the day, games, quotes, translation, and much more.

Idiom Site: With the help of this site, English language learners can make sense of common idioms.

Teachthought: 50 useful links for learning and teaching the English language.