State and District Assessments (2019-2020)
Assessment | Description | Time Taken | Taken By |
AEPS (Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System) | State-required, programmatic, Criterion- referenced based system used to determine child’s present level of performance in the following six developmental areas: fine motor, gross motor, adaptive, cognitive, social- communication, and social. | Fall, Winter, Spring | All Preschool students |
Assessment | Description | Time Taken | Taken By |
ACCESS | State, federally required online assessment used to monitor student’s progress towards English language proficiency standards in four domains: listening, speaking, reading and writing. | January | English Learners (EL) |
Benchmark | These standards based assessments provide data for teachers to use to gauge the mastery of standards to inform instruction. Students also self-assess and track their growth. |
October (1-5) January March/April |
K-5: Reading, Math |
Brigance III | State-required common kindergarten entry screener. Provides assessment information in five developmental areas: 1. Academic/cognitive 2. Language 3. Physical 4. Self-help 5. Social emotional | 15 days prior to start of school and no longer than the 30th day | All incoming Kindergarten students |
CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) | State-required, administered aptitude test used to screen students who may potentially be candidate for gifted and talented. It also provides information on a student’s ability to reason and problem solve in three areas: verbal, quantitative, and non-verbal. | March | All 3rd graders |
DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) or Fountas and Pinnell | School based, diagnostic reading assessment administered by teacher or interventionist. It allows the teacher to systematically observe, record and evaluate students’ reading behaviors and performance in three areas: engagement, fluency, comprehension | Two to three times a year | K-5 (varies between schools) |
KPREP (Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress) | State-required, criterion referenced test (CRT) items consisting of multiple choice, extended–response and short answer items in designated content areas. | 5-day window within the last 14 school days of the year. |
3rd: Reading, Math 4th: Reading, Math, Science 5th: Reading, Math, Writing, Social Studies |
Alternate KPREP | State-required, teacher administered alternate assessment program that provides schools with a valid and reliable means of assessing the instruction provided to students with moderate and significant cognitive disabilities. Alternate KPREP is based on two components: Attainment Tasks and Transition Attainment Record. |
Window 1: November Window 2: May |
Content areas same as above. Decision made by Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) |
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Growth | District, computer-based assessment that is adaptive to each student’s learning level. Measure individual progress and growth on skills in reading, math and language. | Fall, Winter, Spring | K-8: Reading, Math, Language (may vary between schools) |
WIDA Online Screener for English Learners | State, federally required online screener used for students who register and mark anything other than English on the Home Language Survey. The screener provides information whether the student needs EL services. | 30 days from the beginning of school or 2 weeks once enrolled. | 1st-12th grade Potential English Learners (EL) |
K-WAPT (kindergarten only) | Same as above. | Same as above. | Kindergarten Potential English Learners (EL) |
Assessment | Description | Time Taken | Taken By |
ACCESS | State, federally required online assessment used to monitor student’s progress towards English language proficiency standards in four domains: listening, speaking, reading and writing. | January | English Learners (EL) |
Benchmark | These standards based assessments provide data for teachers to use to gauge the mastery of standards to inform instruction. Students also self-assess and track their growth. |
November March |
6th-8th: Reading and Math; Science and Social Studies (March only) |
CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) | State-required, administered aptitude test used to screen students who may potentially be candidate for gifted and talented. It also provides information on a student’s ability to reason and problem solve in three areas: verbal, quantitative, and non-verbal. | March | All 6th graders |
KPREP (Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress) | State-required, criterion referenced test (CRT) items consisting of multiple choice, extended–response and short answer items in designated content areas. | 5-day window within the last 14 school days of the year. |
6th: Reading, Math 7th: Reading, Math, Science 8th: Reading, Math, Writing, Social Studies |
Alternate KPREP | State-required, teacher administered alternate assessment program that provides schools with a valid and reliable means of assessing the instruction provided to students with moderate and significant cognitive disabilities. Alternate KPREP is based on two components: Attainment Tasks and Transition Attainment Record. |
Window 1: November Window 2: May |
Content areas same as above. Decision made by Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) |
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Growth | District, computer-based assessment that is adaptive to each student’s learning level. Measure individual progress and growth on skills in reading, math and language. | Fall, Winter, Spring | All students |
WIDA Online Screener for English Learners | State, federally required online screener used for students who register and mark anything other than English on the Home Language Survey. The screener provides information whether the student needs EL services. | 30 days from the beginning of school or 2 weeks once enrolled. | Potential English Learners (EL) |
Assessment | Description | Time Taken | Taken By |
10th Grade Foundational Reading and Math Tests | State Graduation Requirement and accountability; Assesses foundational reading (English I and II) and math skills (Algebra I and Geometry). | 5-day window within the last 14 school days of the year. | 10th Graders; if they do not receive an apprentice or higher they can retake twice in 11th grade and twice in 12th grade to graduate |
ACCESS | State, federally required online assessment used to monitor student’s progress towards English language proficiency standards in four domains: listening, speaking, reading and writing. | January-February | English Learners (EL) |
ACT | State-required test to gain information about students’ academic readiness for postsecondary education. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading and science. The tests emphasize reasoning, analysis, problem solving, and the integration of learning from various sources, as well as the application of these proficiencies to the kinds of tasks college students are expected to perform. | March |
10th and 11th grade *10th grade - if the state funds the administration. |
AP (Advanced Placement) | District offered, College Board AP tests are part of a rigorous academic program aimed at preparing high school students for college level work. Students take college-level courses and/or their corresponding exams in an effort to earn college credit while still in high school. AP exams consist of multiple choice questions and written response. | May | Student choice |
CERT (College Equipped Readiness Tool) | School Selected, online assessment tool that provides information on students’ progress toward college and career standards. It is aligned to ACT format and provides remedial instruction when necessary. | Fall, Spring |
All students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade 12th graders who did not meet ACT benchmark |
End of Program Exams | State assessment that can be administered to students to meet career ready of Transition Readiness (formally College and Career Ready). Both tests are aligned to CTE Career Pathways. | February | High school students |
KPREP (Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress) | State-required, criterion referenced test (CRT) items consisting of multiple choice, extended – response and short answer items in designated content areas. | 5-day window within the last 14 school days of the year. | 11th: Writing/Editing and Mechanics (field test) |
Alternate KPREP | State-required, teacher administered alternate assessment program that provides schools with a valid and reliable means of assessing the instruction provided to students with moderate and significant cognitive disabilities. Alternate KPREP is based on two components: Attainment Tasks and Transition Attainment Record. |
Window 1: November Window 2: May |
Content areas same as above. Decision made by Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) |
State-required testing system providing free online placement exams that measure preparedness for college level learning in mathematics, reading and writing. Kentucky high school seniors who have not met ACT benchmarks in mathematics (22), reading (22) or English (18) should take the college readiness exams. Students who meet the benchmarks are considered college ready in that subject area by the KDE and are guaranteed placement into a credit-bearing course in that area without the need for remediation at any public college or university in Kentucky. |
Dates vary | KY high school seniors who have not met ACT benchmarks in reading, math, or English |
WIDA Online Screener for English Learners | State, federally required online screener used for students who register and mark anything other than English on the Home Language Survey. The screener provides information whether the student needs EL services. | 30 days from the beginning of school or 2 weeks once enrolled. | Potential English Learners (EL) |
- AEPS (Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System)
Elementary School
- Benchmark
- Brigance III
- CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)
- DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) or Fountas and Pinnell
- KPREP (Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress)
- Alternate KPREP
- MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Growth
- WIDA Online Screener for English Learners
- K-WAPT (kindergarten only)
Middle School
- Benchmark
- CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)
- KPREP (Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress)
- Alternate KPREP
- MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Growth
- WIDA Online Screener for English Learners
High School
- 10th Grade Foundational Reading and Math Tests
- AP (Advanced Placement)
- CERT (College Equipped Readiness Tool)
- End of Program Exams
- KPREP (Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress)
- Alternate KPREP
- WIDA Online Screener for English Learners
District Report Cards
Kentucky continues to offer tools to help parents understand and celebrate the performance of schools. Visit for more information on the full suite of School Report Card tools available to help inform parents and communities. KRS 158.6453 requires the sharing of the School Report Card annually with families and communities so stakeholders can have a clear idea of how well their school is performing. If you need help accessing or viewing your school’s report card, please contact the district office.
2022-2023 FCS District Report Card
2021-2022 FCS District Report Card
2020-2021 FCS District Report Card [No data due to Covid]